Partridge-Zschau Notary Services

Partridge-Zschau Notary Services

Partridge-Zschau offers notary services free of charge to its current customers. Notary fees for non-customers are typically between $10 and $20, depending on complexity of the notary services required.

To ensure the process goes as planned, though, you’ll need to bring a few basic items to the signing.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Contact Partridge-Zschau in advance so that we can ensure one of our notaries will be present when you arrive.

  • Bring identification such as a valid Massachusetts driver’s license or U.S. Passport.

  • Fill out and bring the document that needs to be signed. However, DO NOT SIGN the document in advance. The notary must witness you sign the document.

  • Be ready with payment for notary fees (non-customers). Acceptable forms of payment are cash or money order. Checks , credit, debit cards are not accepted as a form of payment.

  • Ensure all parties involved in the signing are present.


Office Location:

25 Millers Falls Road

Turners Falls, MA 01376

(413) 863-4331


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